7 Days to Die Trainer +14
Activating this trainer:
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options:
NumPad8: Super Speed
Trainer Options:
# Player
NumPad1: Infinite Health
NumPad2: Infinite Stamina
NumPad3: Infinite Food
NumPad4: Infinite Water
NumPad5: Unlimited Items
NumPad6: Unlimited Ammo
NumPad7: Change Skill Points
NumPad8: Super Speed
# Time
NumPad9: Change Time Of Day
# Misc
Multiply: Fly Mode
Add: No Collision
Editor Options:
# Player:
Skill Points
# World:
Time Of Day
The game uses EasyAntiCheat. You must right click on the game in your steam library and choose to launch the game launcher. In the launcher there is an option says “Use EasyAntiCheat”. Deactivate this option and press save. This trainer was written for singleplayer mode only.
Unlimited Ammo:
While active your ammo will not decrease when you shoot
Change Skill Points:
Open your skill screen and click on an unlearned skill. Press hotkey or use editor to add more skill points. Close and open the skill screen to see it has changed.
Fly Mode:
Activate when you’re able to move around. Press jump to fly up and press crouch to fly down.
No Collision:
Activate when you’re able to move around. You can now walk/fly through things.
Player’ Level:
Open skill page first.
Player’ Skill Points:
Open skill page first.