Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 8 Trainer +26
Num 1 – Edit Gold
Num 2 – Edit Food
Num 3 – Edit Order
Num 4 – Max Diplomatic Relationship
Num + – Set Game Speed
Battle Options
Num 5 – God Mode
Num 6 – Max Morale
Num 7 – Skills No Cooldown
Num 8 – Enemies Can’t Use Skill
Num 9 – Empty Enemy Morale
Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kill
Num . – Damage Multiplier
City Editor
Ctrl+Num 1 – Edit Soldier
Ctrl+Num 2 – Edit Population
Ctrl+Num 3 – Edit Defense
Ctrl+Num 4 – Edit Agriculture
Ctrl+Num 5 – Edit Business
Ctrl+Num 6 – Edit Technology
Ctrl+Num 7 – Edit Public Wrath
Character Editor
Alt+Num 1 – Edit Loyalty
Alt+Num 2 – Edit Exp
Alt+Num 3 – Edit Health
Alt+Num 4 – Edit Max Health
Alt+Num 5 – Edit Strength
Alt+Num 6 – Edit Intelligence
Alt+Num 7 – Edit Justice
“City Editor”: Click a city on the map, then activate city editor options, they will be applied to that city.
“Character Editor”: Open a character’s info screen, then activate character editor options, they will be applied to that character.
“Edit Max Health”, “Edit Strength”, “Edit Intelligence”, “Edit Justice”: These are not permanent edits, these value will restore when you reload the game or when the character level up.
“Edit Max Health”, “Edit Strength”, “Edit Intelligence”: These options edit the base attribute values, the final values will be a bit higher than the editor values.