Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Trainer +14
Activating this trainer
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options
Resources: Troops
Trainer Options
# Resources
NumPad1: Mega Resources
# Construction
NumPad2: Instant Build
NumPad3: Instant Units
NumPad4: Instant Research
# Army
NumPad5: No Player Team Damage
NumPad6: Player Team Does Super Damage
# Selected Unit
NumPad7: Heal Selected Unit
NumPad8: Super Health Selected Unit
NumPad9: Weaken Selected Unit
# Gameplay
Multiply: Game Speed
Editor Options
# Resources
This game has an anticheat that detects changes to the game. You need to run the game, wait until you are at the main menu, and maybe even wait until you are playing in a mission or skirmish before activating the trainer.
Every effort was made to try and have the trainer work for singleplayer and skirmish.
The fact remains that people are cheating online, and this is why the company is ratcheting up the protections, encrytions, scanners, and anti cheats. Folks are ruining it for legitimate offline and single player users.
There may be a point we retire the trainer due to online abuse causing the game to have more protections than we care to have to deal with each update.
As it stands now, 90% of our update time on this title is dealing with anti cheat code.