Buoyancy Trainer +13
Activating this trainer:
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options:
NumPad9: Super Speed
Trainer Options:
# Resources
NumPad1: Increase All Resources
# Spawning
NumPad2: Spawn Strong Neutral City
NumPad3: Spawn Weak Neutral City
NumPad4: Spawn Strong Pirate City
NumPad5: Spawn Weak Pirate City
NumPad6: Spawn Babies
# Misc
NumPad7: Increase Storehouse Capacity
NumPad8: Remove All Fires
NumPad9: Super Speed
Multiply: Fast Building
# People
Add: Perfect Happiness
Separator: Perfect Nourishment
Subtract: No Hunger
Spawn Babies:
Do not set amount higher than the amount of people you have else the game will crash.
Increase Storehouse Capacity:
Press hotkey to increase storage capacity by 100.
Remove All Fires:
Press hotkey to remove all fires if there are any.
Fast Building:
While active and all resources have been delivered to the construction it is instantly build.
Perfect Happiness:
Perfect Nourishment:
No Hunger:
Take some while before the happiness ingame changes.