Children of Morta Trainer +13
Activating this trainer:
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options:
NumPad4: Unlimited Dash
Trainer Options:
# Player
NumPad1: Unlimited Health
NumPad2: Unlimited Stamina
NumPad3: Unlimited Rage
NumPad4: Unlimited Dash
# Enemies
NumPad5: Super Damage
# Currency
NumPad6: Unlimited Gold
# Progression
NumPad7: Easy Level Up
# Powers
NumPad8: Unlimited Easy Secondary Attack
NumPad9: Unlimited Easy Divine Relic Use
# Keys
Multiply: Easy Gemstones Unlock
# Skills
Add: Easy Unlock Skills Cost Nothing
Separator: Easy Skills Unlocked For Purchase
# Game
Subtract: Game Speed
Unlimited Health:
Toggle on for unlimited.
Unlimited Stamina:
Toggle on for unlimited.
Unlimited Rage:
Toggle on for unlimited.
Super Damage:
Toggle on and most enemies die quickly. Probably best to leave this OFF until you are loaded into the next dungeon.
Unlimited Gold:
Toggle on then press C to see your gold and you have plenty.
Easy Level Up:
The amount added can be modified in the trainer. Toggle on then kill something and you get the amount of XP that is modifiable in the trainer.
Unlimited Easy Secondary Attack:
Toggle on and you can activate over and over.
Unlimited Easy Divine Relic Use:
Toggle on and you can activate over and over.
Easy Gemstones Unlock:
Toggle on and you can open things even if you do not have any, and also you get 99 when you do it.
Easy Unlock Skills Cost Nothing:
Toggle on and when you go to buy skills they cost no points. However, note that skills bought this way do not add to your tier count.
Easy Skills Unlocked For Purchase:
Toggle on and you can buy skills even if they normally require a tier count level.
Game Speed:
Toggle on to speed up game.