Cyberpunk 2077 Trainer +32
Num 1 – Infinite Health
Num 2 – Infinite Stamina
Num 3 – Infinite Items/Ammo
Num 4 – Items Won’t Decrease
Num 5 – Infinite Grenades
Num 6 – No Reload
Num 7 – Super Accuracy
Num 8 – No Recoil
Num 9 – Edit Money
Num 0 – One Hit Kill
Num . – Damage Multiplier
Num + – Stealth Mode
Ctrl+Num 1 – Infinite XP
Ctrl+Num 2 – XP Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 3 – Infinite Street Cred
Ctrl+Num 4 – Street Cred Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 5 – Max Skill XP/Progression
Ctrl+Num 6 – Skill XP Multiplier
Ctrl+Num 7 – Edit Attribute Points
Ctrl+Num 8 – Edit Perk Points
Ctrl+Num 9 – Set Game Speed
Alt+Num 1 – Infinite RAM
Alt+Num 2 – Freeze Breach Protocol Timer
Alt+Num 3 – Infinite Components
Alt+Num 4 – Infinite Quickhack Components
Alt+Num 5 – Edit Max Carrying Weight
Alt+Num 6 – Movement Speed
Alt+Num 7 – Super Jump
Alt+Num 8 – Infinite Double Jump (Requires Reinforced Tendons)
Alt+Num 9 – Edit Player Level
Alt+Num 0 – Edit Street Cred Level
Alt+Num . – Skills Instantly Cooldown
“Infinite Items/Ammo”: Takes effect when item/ammo quantity decreases. Only works for item quantity greater than 1 and less than 9999. For items greater than 9999, use Items Won’t Decrease option if needed.
“Infinite Grenades”: Takes effect when using grenades. Grenade quantity must be greater than 1 for it to work.
“Infinite XP”: Takes effect when you gain XP.
“Infinite Street Cred”: Takes effect when you gain street cred.
“Max Skill Progression”: Takes effect when you gain skill progression.
“XP Multiplier”, “Street Cred Multiplier”, “Skill XP Multiplier”: The displayed XP/cred amount you’re getting is not affect, but they will be multiplied before adding to your total XP/cred.
“One Hit Kill”, “Damage Multiplier”: Note these options also affect vehicles, if you’re in a vehicle, you should disable these options.
“One Hit Kill”, “Damage Multiplier”: Disable these options when you’re in a fist fight, otherwise you may not be able to win the fight.
“Damage Multiplier”: The display damage value is not affect, the actual damage is multiplied.
“Stealth Mode”: Enemies will not see you, but if you attack them, you will be detected.
“Infinite Components”: Only works for components you already have in your inventory.
“Infinite Quickhack Components”: Only works for quickhack components you already have in your inventory.
“Edit Max Carrying Weight”: If you’re overburdened before using this option, you’ll need to pick up or drop something to remove the overburdened debuff.
“Edit Player Level”, “Edit Street Cred Level”: After editing levels, you’ll need to save then reload in order to update the stats for that level.
“Infinite Double Jump”: Requires equipping reinforced tendons (legs cyberware, purchasable in ripperdoc shop).
“Skills Instantly Cooldown”: Note buffs and debuffs will also be instantly cleared.