My Time at Portia Trainer +21
Activating this trainer:
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options:
Separator: Super Speed
Trainer Options:
# Player
NumPad1: Infinite Health
NumPad2: Infinite Stamina
NumPad3: Unlimited Dash
NumPad4: Unlimited Endurance
NumPad5: Change Money
NumPad6: Refill EXP To Next Level Up
NumPad7: Change Skill Points
NumPad8: Change Workshop Points
# Items
NumPad9: Unlimited Quickslot Items
Multiply: Unlock All Inventory Slots
# Misc
Add: Super Jump
Separator: Super Speed
Subtract: Free Crafting
Decimal: Instant Crafting Speed
Divide: Perfect Relationships
# Minigames
F1: Always Win RPS
F2: Easy Fishing
F3: Always Win Spare
F4: Easy Taming
# Player
F5: Freeze Time
F6: Speed Up Time
Editor Options:
# Player:
Total EXP
Current EXP
Next Level EXP
Total Skill Points
Current Skill Points
# Workshop:
Workshop Points
Change Money:
Press hotkey and open your inventory screen to see it has changed.
Refill EXP To Next Level Up:
Press hotkey and your EXP will be set closely to needed EXP for next level up. Now gain at least 1 EXP in the game to level up.
Change Skill Points:
First open your character screen where your skill points are show. Press hotkey close and reopen the character screen to see it has changed.
Change Workshop Points:
Visit guild and go to the ranking board and open it. Now press hotkey or use editor. You may need to get some points without cheating before it saves your cheated amount.
Unlimited Quickslot Items:
While active the items in your quickslot bar remains unlimited.
Unlock All Inventory Slots:
Press hotkey and open your inventory to see all slots are unlocked.
Free Crafting:
While at crafting table active this option and you can craft everything. If you have the required materials they will get removed, if not nothing happens but item gets crafted. DO NOT USE THIS OPTION ANYWHERE ELSE!
Perfect Relationships:
While active open the relationship screen.
Always Win Spare:
Activate this after starting a spar round and hit your enemy once. Deactivate this after you have won.
Easy Taming:
While active start tame minigame and you instantly succeed.
Workshop’ Level:
Workshop’ Workshop Points:
Visit guild and go to the ranking board and open it. You may need to get some points without cheating before it saves your cheated amount.