Phoenix Point Trainer +35
Activating this trainer:
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options:
Separator: Reset Time at Pause or Move
Trainer Options:
# Geomap
NumPad1: Display All Map Locations
# Base Progression
NumPad2: Instant Research
NumPad3: Instant Construction
NumPad4: Instant Manufacturing
NumPad5: Large Living Quarters Space
NumPad6: Mega Power Generators
NumPad7: Mega Storage Space
NumPad8: Mega Aircraft Storage Space
NumPad9: Mega Vehicle Storage Space
# Unit Progression
Multiply: Unlimited Training SP
Add: Unlimited Phoenix SP
# Game Time
Separator: Reset Time at Pause or Move
# Alien Attacks
Subtract: Aliens Do Not Attack Havens
Decimal: No Mist Spread
# Population
Divide: Protect Haven Populations
# Units Combat
F1: Reset Fatigue
F2: Unlimited Unit Health
F3: Unlimited Unit AP
F4: Unlimited Unit WP
F5: Reset Body Part Damage
# Weapons
F6: Unlimited Ammo Clips
F7: No Reload
F8: Unlimited Grenade Use
# AI Combat
F9: AI Do Not Attack
# Cheat Console
F10: Enable Cheat Menu
# Game Speed
F11: Game Speed
Editor Options:
# Resources:
# Faction Relations:
New Jericho
Discibles of Anu
# Game Time:
Time Elapsed in Game
# Alien Progression:
SDI Level Meter
# Mouse Over Unit:
Current Health
Reset Time at Pause or Move:
Toggle on and when you mov an aircraft to new locations, when you get there the time resets back to what it was before you started.
Resources’ Food:
Resources’ Materials:
Resources’ Tech:
Faction Relations’ New Jericho:
Faction Relations’ Synedrion:
Faction Relations’ Discibles of Anu:
Press GEOSCAPE button to refresh.
Time Elapsed in Game:
This will fill in on Geomap. You can edit it to change the date/time of the game.
SDI Level Meter:
This is the meter at the upper right of the Geomap. Press GEOSCAPE button to refresh.
Current Health:
While in combat, mouse over unit and the value will show here. You can then edit it. Most useful to make enemies very weak or to heal units.