Remnant: From the Ashes Trainer +17
Activating this trainer:
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options:
NumPad4: Unlimited Ammo
Trainer Options:
# Player
NumPad1: Unlimited Health
NumPad2: Super Health
NumPad3: Unlimited Stamina
# Weapon
NumPad4: Unlimited Ammo
NumPad5: No Reload
# Inventory
NumPad6: Unlimited Item Use
# Craft
NumPad7: Easy Upgrade / Craft
# Game
NumPad8: Game Speed
# Enemies
NumPad9: Creatures Don’t Attack
Multiply: Boss Won’t Attack
Editor Options:
# Currency:
Credits / Scrap
# Inventory:
Right Click Inventory Item
# Progression:
# Traits:
Trait Points
Trait Points Used
Trait Value Selected
# Timer:
Mission Timer Seconds
For Credits, press C to enter the Character screen and note the value. You may have to have at least one for it to show.
For Progression and Traits, enter the Traits meny to see the values. For Trait Value Selected, if you click on one of the Traits that you would upgrade, you will see the current value in the editor. You can then change the value. Spend a point there to lock it in.
For Mission Timer, for some missions there may be a timer, you can edit the number of seconds with the trainer.
Unlimited Health:
Toggle on to try and keep from dying.
Super Health:
Toggle this on and while active your MAX HEALTH is a large value, enabling you to withstand most attacks that might one shot kill you at lower levels.
Unlimited Stamina:
Toggle on to try and keep stamina from running out.
No Reload:
Toggle on to try and keep from having to reload.
Unlimited Item Use:
Toggle on and when you use an item, you do not decrease the amount of that item.
Easy Upgrade / Craft:
Toggle on and you can upgrade most things even if you do not have the components.
Game Speed:
Toggle on to speed up the game.
Creatures Don’t Attack:
Toggle on and many lesser types of enemies won’t attack in most cases.
Boss Won’t Attack:
Toggle on and many types of bosses will remain stationary, also the minions they form may remain stationary.