This War of Mine Trainer +12
Activating this trainer:
If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu.
Listen for ‘Trainer Activated’.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options:
NumPad6: Game Speed
Trainer Options:
# Items
NumPad1: Unlimited TAKE Items
# Time
NumPad2: Freeze Daytime
NumPad3: Freeze Nighttime
# Crafting
NumPad4: Allow Custom Craft Using Codes
NumPad5: Instant Craft Items
# Gameplay
NumPad6: Game Speed
# Tools
NumPad7: Unbreakable Tools
# Dweller Actions
NumPad8: Complete Actions Fast
# Scavenging
NumPad9: Mega Backpack Size
# Dwellers
Multiply: No Combat Damage
Editor Options:
# Time:
Current Time of Day
Current Time of Night
Unlimited TAKE Items:
Toggle on and when you CLICK ON A SINGLE ITEM in a container or scavenge area, you get the item but it stays in the container. DO NOT USE GRAB ALL or the items will be picked up but will be lost to try and gather more using this option. Toggle off when not needed.
Freeze Daytime:
Toggle on and the time of day resets and freezes.
Freeze Nighttime:
Toggle on and the time of night resets and freezes.
Allow Custom Craft Using Codes:
Toggle this on then use the trainer modifier to set the code you want to use so that when you craft something the item you want is crafted instead. For instance leaving default value of 0, a gun is crafted instead of what you selected to craft. Crafting something cheap like fuel, works best.
You can check our website for an updated list of the codes that users have posted.
Instant Craft Items:
Toggle this on and items are crafted very quickly.
Unbreakable Tools:
Toggle on and when you use tools like shovels and etc. they don’t break down.
Complete Actions Fast:
Press this key and any actions such as scavenging, lock pick, crowbar, clearing rubble, are done instantly.
Mega Backpack Size:
Toggle on and when you PREPARE you have plenty of Backpack space.
No Combat Damage:
Toggle on and the trainer will try to prevent damage to Dwellers in combat.